Sunsets at Sea
Sunsets At Sea
A Sol and Seth Story
Leona Windwalker
A Rune Tree Press Production
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are being used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, whether living or dead, business establishments, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.
Sunsets at Sea
©2015 Leona Windwalker.
Cover created by Emi-chan
Cover content is for illustrative purpose only and any person depicted on the cover is a model.
Photo for cover art ©pelt69 and used under license.
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All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Published in the United Kingdom.
First edition
March 2015
For Patricia, who wept and cheered for my guys, and then asked me for more.
Chapter 1
Sol watched the shoreline recede once more as they set sail. When his husband Seth had told him they were going to spend their honeymoon on a cruise to the Bahamas, he'd been ecstatic. He'd always dreamed of setting sail and visiting exotic locations. He'd wondered what the stateroom would look like, only having reruns of The Love Boat for reference. Well, that and Titanic, but he doubted it's be quite that old fashioned a cruise liner and then there was the whole not even going to think about sinking thing. There might not be icebergs in tropical waters, but he knew that there were reefs and oh goodness, the Bermuda Triangle was only a mile off Miami's shores? No, not going to think about that sort of thing at all.
Seth had merely smiled when he'd pressed for details and said it was to be a surprise. So much of one that he not only did not know which cruise line Seth had booked with, but he had no idea of exactly where in the Bahamas the itinerary included. He'd tried to get Martha to spill, but she just told him that all he needed to know was that it was all arranged for and that he needed to pack plenty of sunscreen, shorts, summer shirts, and that she recommended he look at getting a pair or two of high quality sports sandals and water shoes.
He'd told his friends at the rehab center about the trip. Marco, his physical therapist, recommended some brands of shoes to try, citing the quality of grip their soles had and level of comfort. Bill Hastings in the room next door told him that his sister had gone for a cruise for her honeymoon and that it had been filled with a lot of elderly people who were friendly but minded their own business. Jerry from down the hall told him that there were gay cruises as well, but he thought they were geared more towards singles. He also said he couldn't be sure, because his sole experience with that was based on a movie he'd seen which admittedly was a comedy about a single's cruise.
His doctor wasn't much help either. He just smiled infuriatingly and assured him that Seth had gone through al the details with him to ensure that Sol would not only be ready to go, but be safe, with all his medical needs able to be easily met. And forget Martha's sister Lisa and his own brother Ben. They just made excuses and took off when he tried to probe them for any information. All he knew was that the cruise was Seth's wedding gift to him, and he had t be content to wait. He looked forward to their wedding day and Seth handing him their tickets.
As their wedding date approached, he began to gain a glimmer into the logistics involved. His brother Ben was coming from Atlanta to attend their wedding and would be staying with them. Sol was looking forward to it. He and Ben had grown closer recently, at last feeling more like the twins they were instead of disinterested siblings. He just hoped he didn't fall flat on his face walking across the sand during their beach ceremony or that one of the beach's wild ponies didn't interrupt the ceremony. He loved going to see the ponies at Assateague, but there was a time and a place. Still, it was the park where Seth formally proposed and Sol couldn't imagine a more perfect place to say their vows.
Sol knew that after the ceremony, they'd be traveling back to Georgia with Ben. He assumed they'd be flying from Baltimore into Atlanta, where Ben would part ways with them before they headed onto Miami, in order to set sail from either there or Palm Beach. He wondered if people would stare at the way he walked or find him odd because of the way he stuttered. He wondered if Seth would end up feeling embarrassed by his lurching around the ship with his cane, barely able to speak without making a mess of it or having to resort to his special board, and oh, Lord, what if he had a seizure there in front of everybody? He began to panic at the idea of humiliating Seth and himself so thoroughly and began to try to find ways to minimize the imagined catastrophes. He could take his wheelchair on the cruise, avoiding lurching around and stumbling. Oh, but what if Seth couldn't change them to a wheelchair friendly room?
Nothing for it, he'd found himself asking Seth about it.
“Sh-shuh-should I b-buh-ring m-muh-my ch-chair? Not wa-walk on th-the boat?”
“Don't worry. I've made arrangements for everything to be fully accessible. You can use your cane and we'll also have your chair there in case you need it.”
Sol looked down. He didn't know how to broach the subject of embarrassing himself or Seth by bringing attention to himself because of his “issues”. Seth, as always, seemed to know exactly what he had on his mind though. He cupped Sol's chin.
“Hey, look at me. If you're more comfortable using the chair, that's fine. But I promise you, no one will think badly of you because of your limp, the way you talk, or anything else. If they say or do anything like that, they will have to answer to me. You are perfect just the way you are and I love you. And if you're worried about seizures, there will be a medical professional onboard who's been apprised of your needs and if you need to go to a hospital, you will be able to get to one without significant delay, all right?”
Sol nodded. He wasn't sure just how Seth knew these things to be true but since his doctor had told him it'd be perfectly fine for him to go and his new seizure medication was working so well, he was positive that Seth had indeed verified these things with the cruise line before booking. Seth never, ever lied to him anyway, so he knew he could simply put all his faith in Seth's promise regardless.
Just me panicking for no reason. Again.
Seth smiled. “Good. Now, how about we take a look at some clothes to wear on the cruise, hmmm?”
He let go of Sol's chin and went to get his laptop. Turning it on he said, “Any thoughts on clothes preferences? We'll need a mix of beach casual, dressy casual and a couple items of formal clothing.” He opened his browser and opened the website of one of his favorite stores while waiting for Sol's reply.
“New T-shirts, huh? Let's see what they've got.” Sol tapped the screen, pointing at a model wearing a plain T-shirt with a short sleeved button down worn over the top like a jacket.
“Oh, that's nice,” Seth agreed.
Sol forgot all about his anxiety as he became lost in the simple joy of planning the perfect outfits for them to wear on their dream holiday.
Chapter 2
Sol was confused. They'd packed their bags and Seth had then loaded them into the car. Ben had climbed int the backseat. Everything seemed
to be going as planned, at last until he noticed they'd turned to drive towards Crisfield instead of Baltimore.
“Kuh-ku-risfield?” he asked in bewilderment.
Seth looked over with a smile. “Not to worry, hun. Just got to pick up something before we set off.”
Sol sat back relieved. Okay, that was all right. Seth still hadn't shared the exact itinerary with him, but had asked for him to trust him and just enjoy the surprise. Deciding that Seth knew whether or not they had time to pick up whatever it was before catching their flight from Baltimore, he simply replied with, “Oh-k-kay.”
He became even more puzzled when Seth parked at the marina and popped the trunk. Was the item here? He wondered what it was. Ben and Seth got out of the car, Ben going around to the back of the car while Seth came around and opened Sol's door.
“Come on out, I think you'll want to see this,” he said, proffering a hand to help Sol out.
Mystified, he did so, only to see that rather than putting something into the trunk, Ben was taking all of their luggage out of it. Seth seemed unconcerned when a man hurried over and began to help Ben carry their luggage off.
“You kept asking me about our itinerary and which cruise line and all sorts of things, and I have to tell you, hun, it was really difficult to not simply spill the beans. But, I guess I best give you what you wanted to know, now.” Seth pulled out an envelope and passed it to Sol.
Inside was a simple post card depicting a sunset over a private jetty. The back read simply, “My gift to you, all the sunsets at sea you could ever desire on the Sol and Seth Cruise Line.”
Sol looked up. “What?”
Seth pointed. “There, that's our cruise.”
Sol watched as Ben and the strange man walked down the pier in the direction that Seth had pointed. His jaw dropped when he saw them board a luxury yacht. Seth chuckled and kissed his jaw. “Come on, let's get onboard.” Linking arms with his husband, Sol walked towards the boat in disbelief. There, painted on the side was the name, “Love Wins”. Sol grinned.
“Nuh-nice name.”
“I thought so,” Seth agreed, helping him board. “You'd mentioned wanting to see Savannah again some day, and I'd suggested our honeymoon and you'd agreed. Then I told you I was giving you a cruise to the Bahamas and you forgot all about Savannah, didn't you?”
Sol nodded, looking around at the boat. It really was beautiful.
“Well, I didn't forget, and so, first thing on our travel itinerary is setting sail for Savannah, where we'll dock and enjoy some sight seeing and fine dining.”
“And I'll be taking a cab to Savannah airport to fly Atlanta,” Ben grinned.
“Then we'll sail down to Cocoa Beach, and spend a couple of days there, and visit the Space Center. I ordered some special T-shirts for that day, as I seemed to recall you like watching reruns of a certain old TV show.”
Understanding dawned on Sol's face. “Juh-jeannie!”
“Yup. They're in my luggage. I thought you'd get a kick out of that.”
Sol thought his face would split if he grinned any wider. Ben seemed to be as excited as he was, and he wasn't even going on the full cruise!
The man who'd helped with their luggage came back out onto the deck. “We're ready to go when you are,” he told Seth.
“Thanks, Jared,” he told the man. “Sol, this is Jared. He and his wife are crew and will be helping us sail and prepare the meals and things.”
“Nice to meet you,” Jared said.
Sol nodded, and ducked his head shyly.
A young woman came out onto the deck. “Hi, just wanted to introduce myself and to ask what time you'd like lunch.”
“This is my wife Diane,”Jared clarified.
“Diane, this is Sol. You've met his twin, Ben, here, the other day.”
“Yes indeed. So nice to finally get to meet you, Sol! I hope you like crab cakes and sweet potato biscuits, as that's what's on today's lunch menu.”
Sol nodded.
“Can we eat in about an hour after we cast off? Looks fine out, so we'd like to dine out on deck,” Seth asked.
“You're the boss!”
Later that evening, as they sailed along the coast, Sol reclined on a chaise on deck, curled up against Seth. As the sun set over the horizon, he knew contentment. When the stars came out, he thought he knew what forever felt like.
Chapter 3
The visit to Savannah had been cathartic in many ways. Sol felt lighter and felt a sense of rightness at having that beautiful city take a place of happiness in his heart once more. Standing in the spot where Seth had nearly run him down on the street that fateful night, he knew he had come full circle. From here on out, there would be no hold over him save the one he let Seth put on his heart. Saying good bye to Ben had been poignant, but he knew it was only temporary. Leaving the city just as the sun set once more, Sol new that he was sailing into their new tomorrow, having said farewell to all of their sorrowful yesterdays.
The next morning saw a red sky and Seth kept Sol below deck. They made for the nearest harbor, and as the day lashed with rain and shook with thunder, Sol marveled at the power of the sea. The rain ended and the wind and sea calmed at last, but the cloud cover broke only long enough for the setting sun to peek through and tint the harbor with it's fiery kiss. He smiled. Tomorrow was a new day. Florida!
Seth looked up from the book he was reading and gave him a smile. “Shall we go curl up in bed and watch a movie?”
Sol nodded vigorously. Bed, cuddles, Seth's slow drugging kisses, and hey, if they found time to watch a movie, that'd be great too.
His expression must have spoken volumes as Seth laughed. “Or not. You seem to have other ideas.” Seth's gaze looked pointedly south of Sol's face. Oh. He smiled impishly.
Seth held out his hand. “I can think of ways to to take care of that.”
So could Sol.Allowing him to take him by the hand, he followed Seth into their stateroom. Once inside, Seth closed the door with his free hand and drew Sol close. He placed a hand on Sol's lower back and pressed Sol's groin to his and ground gently against him. Sol's breath stuttered as Seth looked deeply into eyes and lowered his head. He kissed Sol with a barely there touch of the lips, teasing, then returned for a deeper kiss. He ran his tongue over Sol's lips, tracing the seam of his mouth begging for entrance. Sol opened, and seth stroked their tongues together then teased Sol's sensitive upper palate. Sol let out a small moan, and Seth broke them apart save for the one hand he still held. He led Sol to their bed and only then let Sol's hand go before shrugging out of his clothes and sitting down on the edge of the bed facing Sol.
He crooked a finger at Sol to step a little closer, then gave Sol's T-shirt covered stomach a gentle kiss.
“These need to come off,” he said, before tugging the shirt up, Sol helped by raising his arms, giggling, then allowed Seth to use his hands to steady him as he finished pulling the shirt over his head. Seth playfully nipped Sol in the side, then moved his hands to the waistband of Sol's cargo shorts. He undid the button and locked a teasing gaze up at Sol as he pulled down the zipper with slow deliberation. Sol placed his hands on Seth's shoulders to maintain his balance as he wriggled impatiently.
“O-off!” he demanded.
Seth arched an eyebrow at him. “In a hurry, are we?” he drawled.
“Well, that won't do at all. Fine meals need to be savored,” he said.
Sol looked him. Really? Cheesy much?
Seth laughed at his expression. “All right then.” He pulled Sol's shorts down so that Sol could step out of them. Seth indulged himself a bit more as he buried his face into the front of Sol's brief, inhaling Sol's scent before tracing his hardened cock with his tongue through his briefs. Sol quivered. Seth quirked a smile as he hooked his hands into Sol's waistband and pulled them down his legs. He scooted back onto the bed, stretching out to admire a now fully nude Sol.
Sol climbed on top of his, kissing and grinding against
him as Seth steadied him with strong hands on his hips. Seth gasped as their dicks slid along each other, then patted the space beside him on the bed. Sol moved to occupy it, turning on his side to face Seth who slicked his palm with spit and firmly palmed Sol's dick. They began to kiss as Seth jerked him, Sol's hips stuttering, unable to to not thrust into that warm, tight fist. Seth let him ride all the way to the edge, then squeezed the base of his dick.
“Not yet,” he whispered. He waited for Sol to catch his breath, pulling lube from the bedside cabinet, then slicked the fingers of his other hand. He began to slowly stroke him again, his lubed fingers tracing gently around his taint and moving towards his pucker. Sol whimpered in frustration until at last he breached him with a finger. Seth stroked in and out slowly, letting Sol's hole relax.
Once he felt it give enough, he added a second finger, scissoring and sliding, in, out. In. Out. All the while he jacked Sol, peppering his face and eyelids with gentle kisses. Sol's soft cries spurred him on and he crooked his fingers, hitting Sol's sweet spot. Sol arched and let out a wordless cry, his eyes wide and his stare unfixed. Seth slanted his mouth over his, kissing him deeply.
“My turn,” he whispered teasingly and Sol nodded.
Turning Sol over to his other side, Seth lubed his own cock with Sol's spunk then squirted lube between his upper thighs. Sliding his cock between Sol's as cheeks until his head peeks out from under Sol's balled, he waited for Sol to clamp his legs tightly together, helping him by placing a firm hand on his uppermost thigh. He began to thrust, rutting as he kissed the back of Sol's neck and played with his nipples. Sol panted as he felt the friction against his hole, his own dick becoming half hard. Seth's thrusts became more erratic, his hand movements less co-ordinated, until at last he bit down on Sol's shoulder and came with a shudder.